Friday, October 10, 2014

day 60: $outhern hospitality, ole miss, weather prediction, and more

More pictures coming soon
Two months in and I finally realized something... I'm almost to new orleans! 442 miles to go, and our goal is to get there in 2 weeks.  We got a hotel set reserved for the whole week of Halloween and the hotel got a pool on the roof!  Don't be jealous, I aways smell, am hungry, thirsty, achy, and tired.  But right now I'm charging my phone in a town called Greenville, MS.  We paddled 25 miles today, the river level rose about 10 feet from the shore overnight nearly taking our stuff away again.  This river is unpredictable.  We got to town, realized we couldn't 2 hours to the store and back before the gates closed to this rv campsite and decided to paddle on without much needed supplies.  Just as we were leaving a dude in a pickup truck swung past us asking if we wanted a ride to the store, we didn't even ask, he must have just knew by our scraggly apperance.  Dude named van gave us a ride to Walmart where we got bread, tuna, ramon, and propane!  Thank Jesus.

Van told us how mississipi st and ole miss won college football and the news of the world.  We decided to stay here on a flip of a coin, and it is paying off.  We talking to a cat fisherman who gave us some Busch and is telling us about the river.  Also some local invited us up to their camp fire, I'm guessing for a hootin  and hollerin  and a good ole beer or 14.

The river is supposed to narrow ahead so we should be catching some speed.  The goal now is to paddle 40 miles a day for 2 weeks everyday. Ya I know, crazy right?  But I got the hotel reserved for the 24th and we can't let a day go past knowing there's a rooftop pool at the end of this amazing quest.

I've gotten everything I wanted out of this trip and there is still more to come.  Stay tuned.

Also a fish yesterday jumped head first I to the kayak, it was loud.  I hope the fish isn't concussed, hes supposed to compete in the fish x games this weekend.

Bald eagle count 29
Water moccasin count 1
Coyote count 1
Raccoon count 4
Fish jumped 846ish
Beard weight 9lbs 5 oz

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