Friday, October 10, 2014

day 59: copperheads, and cognitive ability

What planet am I on?! "The moon is rising fast as fuck," exclaimed Erik.  Erik is correct, the moon IS rising fast as fuck, and my brain abilities are up there with the moon.  Subjectively speaking, I am able to hold thought for much, much longer amounts of time and tune in more in depth to those ideas.  Will Smith of independence  day once said the key to success is reading and running everyday.  I'll take advice any day from someone who saved the human race in at least 4 different movies.  My advice is, so should you.  I read and write at least once if not twice a day, and not just 160 characters which is actually limiting your attention span and ability  to create and build upon a single thought.  But I'm sure you already knew that.  If you didn't then you know now.  Please for the sake of humanity start reading books again, stop tweeting and texting,  and for the love of god get outside and do something.  Yes even you.

Running is helping me a lot too.  When I wake up its one of the first things I do before I start paddling all day.  It helps get my heart pumping, gets plenty of oxygen to my brain so I can think clearly all day without anxiety.  On top of that it is getting my whole body in shape, including my legs which I don't use for 8 hours of my waking period.  And most of all it gives me time to enjoy my surroundings, which I can't reiterate  enough how beautiful the Mississippi  is every day.

Reading and running.

Here's a book for music lovers
"The music lesson", by Victor wooten
I will not consider you a true musician until you have read this book, yes it is that good, and can show us a few things about life too.

Anyway.  We paddled 44 miles today.  Eating peanut butter sandwiches in the boat with some water is all we need all day to survive.  We could go for hours without even stopping.  And when we do stop it's less than 3 minutes each time and only about 3 times a day.  Conditioning is key kids.  The same goes for anything in life.  You can learn anything you need to know just by observing, and you can do this anywhere, it's great!

The great white pelicans are absolutely legendary birds.  They came from Canada and are flying south for the winter, just like us.  I got a cool shot of hundreds of them taking off as the sun set.

It's also safe to assume for the rest of the trip I'm being attacked by mosquitoes and bugs, also that I'm sleeping on the ground without a sleeping bag and that copperhead snakes and water moccasins are lurking under the rocks I'm sleeping next to.  So don't be jealous, but I love this trip and I love all of yinz.  Do you dreams and stop dreaming about them, for your own sake.

A coyote is howling in the backround.  The only sound is that, crickets, and a barges engine fading away to the south.

Read "the alchemist"
472 miles to go, sadly

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