Tuesday, August 26, 2014

day 15: creatures of the sea... and pizza

Fitst of all, does anyone know where the moon went?  I seriously haven't seen it in days, the last time I remember was last week's half moon, and since then nothing.

What a crazy day today was.  We woke up early and set a new record of 42 miles today, I'm getting stronger and more hulk like by the day. Although today Erik picked me, as I drank about a pint of vodka before noon, as I thought it would be a short day.  We kept stopping for me to jump out of trees and film it and cause I thought it was fun.  After going from sober to drunk to hungover to sober again all in 12 hours in very exhausted.  We also saw a dead pig in the river, heard cows moaning load, seen some huge hawks, and saw an eel.

After hauling tail for 12 hours we walked a few miles to get amazing pizza and charge phone.  Thus is also one of the most beautiful, unknown, parts of the country.  The rolling hills go on forever, the river is clean, and there is plenty of wildlife.  It's days like this that make the adventure worth it.  We're camping on an island and only 74 miles to Cincinnat.

In Manchester ohio
Mile 397

This was from last night, a locust breaking from it's shell, very rare footage.


  1. joe mcfadden wants to know "where do you poo? how often? what time of day?" that's all. pls respond soon.

  2. Tell Joe high noon and midnight, and I try to find spots with lots of people
