We started off to a good start, and 2 hours in John and Toby wanted to stop in a crappy town to spend money at a restaurant. I didn't want to because I have food and didn't want to spend money. This created drama.
I hadn't eaten so his irritated me. I decided to paddle ahead, make some food at a beach and relax.
They showed up a few hours later, i said I'm going to 50km to make camp and fire. And relax. They showed up later drunk, but we are all good.
During this time I reflected on my frame of mind, looked at the maps, and ate some good food.
The good news, I found a shortcut that will cut off 200km. About 5 days of paddling. The Black-Danube Canal, at km maker 300 is 60km and will get us to Vama Veche 2 weeks earlier than expected. This means more time to relax at the beach with Margaritas.
Till then, our goal is 50km per day, 60 is better but 50 will do just fine.
I'm trying to realize that I've been in a big fucking hurry, and I need to relax. It's hard sometimes because I'm so oriented towards making big numbers, or long distances every day. It gives me a sense of accomplishment But what's more important is to slow down. Really slow down, to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. I'm going to make this the goal now, to slow down and learn to relax. This might be my last "vacation" for a long time, and I dont want to look back thinking I should have enjoyed myself more. Tomorrow is just another day, it will get here, theres no question. But what more important is today and the small bits of beauty we take with us, whether it be to share with others or just to look back and smile. It sounds cheesy and cliche, but theres a reason why people always say to cherish every moment. Stress is easy to do only because that's the habit of thought. So all I have to do is catch myself when I'm feeling of and remember to just appreciate the moment. I think that's a good start.
km marker 1557.
technically 1360 to vama veche!
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