Sunday, June 16, 2019

Day 3 and 4 Ain't Dead Yet

Weeeeelppppahh.  Woke up had a leftover beer and slice of pizza.  went through a lock.  went into donaueworth, the town.  Oh, you never heard of it?  That's okay, nobody likes it there either, sorry donaeuworth, yal are sad, yal need to stop and smell yals flowers.  Yals roads are perfect, and yal got good smelling air and no crime or litter.  Yal can stalk up at the store on food for 50 bucks like we did.  Yal got castles and shit.  Yal need to realize you live by a beautiful river! Yal are all walking around so frickin sad giving ME weird looks.  Yal need to learn to put some sauce on yals pizza, stop namin yals burgers after famous American rock stars and become a star ya self!  Germany, please be happy.  It's okay if a few of you give me weird looks and are sad even though all yal drive benzs' and beemers, but ALL YAL?!? come on now.  yal need to get happy or get gone.

Long story short.  We picked up a bottle of gin, went through some RAPIDS... apparently the only scary part other than Serbia on the whole river, then we stopped in a 12 person town where we were happily greeted by a big man from Norway named RAPLH, and 200,000 mosquitos.  We ducked inside a BnB for a beer and bullshitted with good folks from all over.

It started to rain, we got wet, couldnt set up camp properly, and spent 8 hours freezing in the wet n cold. Literally shivering.  We should have stayed at the BnB but they went to bed by the time we made a decision. No big deal.  We dont break.  Not even in the face of danger. We are stronger willed than ever now.  Have new rules to follow, and will continue to get smarter and wiser as we go.

Spent all day today chillin.  Tomorrow is a big day, good sunshine and open free flowing water.

Most people would have cried and called 9-1-1 by now, We just keep laughing and being thankful to have two working lungs.

Happy Fathers Day

Beers drank- 4
Hours of sleep last night:0
Hours of sleep tonight :8
Money spent on gas: 0
Softness of this bed on 1-10 scale: 8
Smell of outside: How outside should smell

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